First stop: Houston Texas

Just a couple more days and we'll be in the Dominican Republic.  The girls are getting excited to go on this new adventure for them.  I'm excited to see old friends and share once again in what the Lord is doing in the communities surrounding Santiago.  

Susanna, Pat, Gretchen

We have a few days here in Houston to connect with family and continue our preparation.  We've done devotions together for the past several months, focusing on God's heart for the poor and our calling to serve, as well as learning some things about Dominican culture before we arrive.

Susanna:  For me, it's been fun to finally come to Texas and visit my cousin Greta's house.  I've also been able to acclimate a bit to the humidity before I go the the Dominican Republic with no air conditioning.  I'm excited for the chance to lead worship for the whole group, and excited to meet new people.  I've learned I'm not in this alone, God is always with me and there are he's surrounded me with others who have my back.

Gretchen:  Having family at the house has been really fun especially as we prepare together! I can't wait to lead the worship for our group with Susie. I am so excited to meet the kids and teach them. I hope that the things we do on this trip will be impactful on the people in the D.R. and that we will be intentional in spreading the love of God. Thanks for the prayer and support!
